The monitor panel:
Now that I've installed the speaker panel, the monitor panel doesn't quite fix properly, it's a little too long and needs to be beveled top and bottom to form a nice flush joint with the control panel and the speaker panel - 30 degrees on the bottom edge where the 10 degree control panel meets the 70 degree monitor panel (think the maths is right) and 55 degrees on the top edge. I do this with the table saw titled over at the correct angles and running the panel through, but as I've mentioned before I should not have finished the monitor panel to this extent, as I now have to wrap it up carefully as not to damage it in the workshop - let alone blocking all the vents on the monitor to save cutting it free and reinstalling it - a right game!
That done, repeat for the perspex that will be slightly longer but with the same angles, as it sits on top of the monitor panel.
Loads of sweeping, hovering, cleaning later and I'm ready to drill and install it.
First drill hole - loads of plastic spewed in between the perspex and wood - ARRGGGHHHH - I have to clean this monkey all over again - I'm getting bored of this cleaning, but I'll likely never get between these two panels again and the screen again. So I drill all the holes, seperate it all, clean it all (again!) and screw into place.
It looks really nice installed -
I thought this'd be a 5 minute job and it took ages to get the angles, length and cleaning just right - No such thing as a 5 minute job, as my dad would say - too true!
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